Linux: Basics Commands

Linux: Basics Commands


3 min read

Hello tech enthusiasts! Today, we're diving deeper into the Linux world with some must-know commands. Let's unravel the power of these essentials! ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ’ป

Basic Linux Commands:

1. Present Working Directory (pwd):


It reveals your current location in the Linux system.

2. List Files and Directories (ls):


This handy command shows available files and directories in the present working directory.

3. Kernel Name (uname):


It displays the name of the kernel (OS).

4. Kernel Version (uname -r):

uname -r

Check out the version of the kernel with this command.

5. Change Directory (cd):

cd directory_name

Use cd to navigate through directories effortlessly.

6. Clear Screen (clear):


Keep your terminal neat and tidy with this command.

7. Current User (whoami):


Discover the currently logged-in user's name.

8. Command History (history):


Access a list of previously used commands.

9. Date and Time (date):


Stay on track with this command displaying the current time and date.

10. Copy Files or Directories (cp):

cp source destination

Duplicate files or directories with the cp command.

11. Move or Rename Files or Directories (mv):

mv source destination

Use mv to move files or directories to a new location or rename them.

12. Remove/Delete Files (rm):

rm filename

rm deletes files. Be cautious with this powerful command!

13. Remove/Delete Directory (rmdir):

rmdir directory_name

Safely remove an empty directory using rmdir.

14. Remove/Delete Directory (rm -r):

rm -r directory_name

To remove a directory and its contents, use rm -r. Exercise caution!

15. Show Disk Usage (df):


Discover disk space usage on your system with the df command.

16. Show Disk Usage (du):


Check disk space usage for a specific directory using du.

17. Create Empty File (touch):

touch filename

touch creates an empty file quickly.

18. Search for Files or Directories (find):

find /path/to/search -name filename

find searches for files or directories based on specific criteria.

19. Show Running Processes (ps):


Monitor running processes with the ps command.

20. Kill/Stop a Process (kill):

kill process_id

kill stops a running process using its ID.

21. Create Single Directory:

mkdir directory_name

The basic mkdir command creates a single directory with the specified name.

22. Create Multiple Directories:

mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3

To create multiple directories in one go, list their names after mkdir.

23. Create Directory Path (Nested Directories):

mkdir -p path/to/directory

The -p flag allows you to create a directory path, even if intermediate directories don't exist.

24. Create Numbered Directories:

mkdir dir{1..5}

Use curly braces with a range to create a series of numbered directories.

25. List All Files, Including Hidden Ones (ls -a):

ls -a

The -a flag extends the ls command, revealing all files, including the hidden ones, in your present working directory.

Well, that's a wrap for this blog. Stay cool, stay humble! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿš€
